William the Courteous of Habsburg, son of Leopold III, was the Duke of Austria and Carinthia. After the death of his uncle Albert III, William became involved in a power struggle with his cousin Albert IV. He eventually agreed to resign leading positions in the Habsburg dynasty and kept only internal lands. Between 1402 and 1403 he was involved in the imprisonment of Wenceslaus IV. Thanks to the political machinations of the Polish nobles he did not marry his first fiancée Hedwig of Anjou. However, William still considered the union valid and until Hedwig's death did not marry. His "second" wife was Joanna II of Naples (Giovanna II d'Angiò-Durazzo), although their marriage remained childless. William thus died in 1406 without an heir.
William the Courteous of Habsburg, son of Leopold III, was the Duke of Austria and Carinthia. After the death of his uncle Albert III, William became involved in a power struggle with his cousin Albert IV. He eventually agreed to resign leading positions in the Habsburg dynasty and kept only internal lands. Between 1402 and 1403 he was involved in the imprisonment of Wenceslaus IV. Thanks to the political machinations of the Polish nobles he did not marry his first fiancée Hedwig of Anjou. However, William still considered the union valid and until Hedwig's death did not marry. His "second" wife was Joanna II of Naples (Giovanna II d'Angiò-Durazzo), although their marriage remained childless. William thus died in 1406 without an heir.