[? - 1415]
Following the death of Jindřich III of Pirkštejn (Henry III of Pirkstein) in 1402, Hanuš of Lipá (in KCD Hanush of Leipa) became the guardian of the former's son, Jan Ptáček (in KCD Hans Capon) and thus the acting governor of the surrounding province. He completed the construction of Pirkstein and its fortifications and the local church of St. Matthew, which contains a shrine to his family.
When Sigismund of Luxembourg invaded and burned Skalice (Skalitz), the town's Burgrave, Racek (Radzig) Kobyla, and the survivors of the raid found refuge with Hanuš. Hanuš subsequently took action against scattered groups of brigands and Cumans.
His relationship with the king was peculiar to say the least, judging by often contradictory sources - it appears that in 1410 crown forces descended on the town of Rataje (Rattay) in Hanuš' domain, probably after he became a robber baron and rebel, who may also have participated in the siege of Jihlava in Moravia. Nevertheless, in 1414 he became a Provincial Marshal and dwelt together with his wife Markéta of Šternberk (Sternberg) at Špilberk in Brno.
[? - 1415]
Following the death of Jindřich III of Pirkštejn (Henry III of Pirkstein) in 1402, Hanuš of Lipá (in KCD Hanush of Leipa) became the guardian of the former's son, Jan Ptáček (in KCD Hans Capon) and thus the acting governor of the surrounding province. He completed the construction of Pirkstein and its fortifications and the local church of St. Matthew, which contains a shrine to his family.
When Sigismund of Luxembourg invaded and burned Skalice (Skalitz), the town's Burgrave, Racek (Radzig) Kobyla, and the survivors of the raid found refuge with Hanuš. Hanuš subsequently took action against scattered groups of brigands and Cumans.
His relationship with the king was peculiar to say the least, judging by often contradictory sources - it appears that in 1410 crown forces descended on the town of Rataje (Rattay) in Hanuš' domain, probably after he became a robber baron and rebel, who may also have participated in the siege of Jihlava in Moravia. Nevertheless, in 1414 he became a Provincial Marshal and dwelt together with his wife Markéta of Šternberk (Sternberg) at Špilberk in Brno.