
ico_player_hunterHunter skill increases the amount of meat and other useful materials you recover from animals you kill. New perk points unlock at levels: 3, 5, 8, 10, 13, 15, 18, 20.

Hunting skill can be increased by hunting animals.


  • You can only get 8 perk points for hunting while there are 9 perks to choose from. Choose them wisely cause it might make some quests unobtainable.

Hunting Perks

Name Reqs Effect
Antlers Hunting Lvl 3 Enables you to get antlers from hunted animals.
Tusks Hunting Lvl 3 You're able to remove tusks from some animals.
Butcher Hunting Lvl 5 You'll able to get offal from hunted game.
Tanner Hunting Lvl 5 You'll able to skin dead animals.
Huntsman Hunting Lvl 8 You'll cause wild animals 20% more damage.
Wild at Heart Hunting Lvl 8 Wild animals will be less skittish when you're close.
Forester Hunting Lvl 10 Your conspicuousness and visibility fall sharply when in the woods, so you can be stealthier. Useful, especially when stalking people.
Salty Hunting Lvl 10 Raw foods in your inventory won't spoil so fast.
Steak Tartare Hunting Lvl 13 You can eat raw meat.