
ico_player_horse_ridingHorsemanship skill determines how much your horse will shy, how quickly it will get tired and therefore how long it will be able to gallop.New perk points unlock at levels: 4, 7, 10, 14, 17, 20.

Can be increased by riding horses.

Horsemanship Perks

Name Reqs Effect
Heavy Pony Duty Horsemanship Lvl 4 Your horse can carry more, but is slower. Can't be combined with the Racehorse perk.
Racehorse Horsemanship Lvl 4 Your horse is faster, but can carries less weight. Can't be combined with the Heavy Duty Pony perk.
Dread Steed Horsemanship Lvl 7 If your horse is wounded, it will run faster.
Rider on the Storm Horsemanship Lvl 7 Your horse will be extremely skittish in storms, but will shy less in any other weather.
Strong Thighs Horsemanship Lvl 7 Increases your chances of staying in the saddle if an opponent tries to unhorse you.
Knight Horsemanship Lvl 10 You get a 15% damage bonus in mounted combat with both range and melee weapons.
Warhorse Horsemanship Lvl 10 Your horse won't shy at nearby foes, at least as long as no one hits him.
Jockey Horsemanship Lvl 14 A horse will never throw you outside of combat.

