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Run! is a main Quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. My home town was attacked by foreign soldiers and many people slaughtered. I couldn't get inside the castle before they closed the gates, so they sent me to Talmberg to warn the people there in case they faced a similar fate.


Related NPCs and Characters

  • ???

Run! Walkthrough

  • There are several ways to get out of the castle
    • One way is persuading the guard on the gate to let you through. If he accepts you will need a pair of armor matching the soldiers that you can find in on of the towers in an unlocked chest ( see screenshot ).
  • ???
  • Before you go through the gate make sure that you take the horse you came with.Taking any other horse will count as stealing.

Tips & Tricks

  • ???


Run! Objectives

  • Get a horse.

    • Start: Oh my God! My parents have been killed. King Sigismund's army raided Skalitz and slaughter everyone who crossed their path, including my mother and father. I have to flee and warn others, I have to get hold of a horse!

    • Completed: I managed to get hold of a horse to ride to Talmberg as quick as possible and warn them there.

  • Help Theresa get away from the rapists.

    • Completed: As I fled, I caught sight of three of Sigismund's soldiers about to rape the miller's daughter, Theresa. I couldn't just let it be and though they were stronger, somehow I've managed to rescue her.

  • Ride to Talmberg.

    • Start: Now I have to make it to Talmberg in one piece.

    • Completed: I succeeded in the end, although it almost cost me my life. Those foreign mercenaries of Sigismund's are skilled at archery on horseback. They pursued me and I took an arrow in the leg. It's a wonder I didn't bleed to death.

  • Talk to Sir Robard.

    • Start: I suppose I should talk to Sir Robard and find out what he wants me to do now.

    • Completed: Sir Robard told me to eat first. I only realised how hungry I was when he started talking about food.

  • Go with Sir Robard to the kitchen.

    • Start: I should go with him, because I don't know where the castle kitchen is.

    • Completed: In the kitchen Captain Robard introduced me to the lady of the castle, Lady Stephanie, and the cook, Bozhena, who served me some food. They also offered me a place to sleep in the bedchamber of the lodge in the courtyard.

  • Go to the kitchen

    • Start: Captain Robard led me to the kitchen to get something to eat, only I got lost on the way. Now I'll have to find my own way there.

    • Completed: In the kitchen Captain Robard introduced me to the lady of the castle, Lady Stephanie, and the cook, Bozhena, who served me some food. They also offered me a place to sleep in the bedchamber of the lodge in the courtyard.

  • (HIDDEN)

    • Completed: I told Sir Divish about the terrible fate of Skalitz. After a briefing with his captain, Sir Robard, he decided it would be futile to go to Sir Radzig's aid and instead they would prepare Talmberg Castle in case Sigismund should descend on them too. And then he told his Captain to take charge of me.

  • Eat.

    • Start: I'll have to eat before I go to sleep. I'm too hungry to fall asleep anyway.

    • Completed: Bozhena is a great cook and a full stomach has raised my spirits a little. Even though I can't stop thinking about my parents…

  • (HIDDEN)

    • Completed: I was nearly asleep when Lady Stephanie came to see me. I was surprised to say the least, but all she wanted was to see if I was alright and to ask about what happened. So I told her all about it and then she told me about how Sir Divish had been taken captive a few years ago and she had to try and buy his freedom.

  • (HIDDEN)

    • Completed: I was nearly asleep when Lady Stephanie came to see me. I was surprised to say the least, but all she wanted was to see if I was alright and to ask about what happened.

  • (HIDDEN)

    • Completed: When Lady Stephanie left, I finally fell asleep. I didn't sleep very well though - I was troubled by bad dreams and then Captain Robard came in the middle of the night and woke me to tell me there was some procession coming to Talmberg and I had to go straight away to the battlements.

  • Save - sleep

  • Talk to Sir Robard.

    • Start: I have to talk to Sir Robard.

    • Completed: Sir Robard ordered me to help keep watch on the battlements.

  • start save

  • Go to the courtyard lodge and sleep there until morning.

    • Start: I wish everything that happened today was just a bad dream, and that I'd wake at home to the sound of Father hammering on his anvil and Mother humming while she cooked.

    • Completed: I went to bed, wishing with all my heart that everything that happened was just a bad dream, that I would wake at home to Father hammering on his anvil and Mother humming while she cooked - that everything would be like it was before.

  • Go to the battlements and talk to Captain Robard.

    • Start: I should obey him.

    • Completed: Everyone in the castle was on the battlements anticipating the worst - Sigismund's army. To everyone's astonishment it turned out to be Sir Radzig and all the remaining survivors from Skalitz. What was even more surprising is that they escaped the siege without a fight. Sir Radzig gave me orders and then he and the Skalitz folk carried on to Rattay.

  • Take the torch from the table.

    • Start: It's pitch dark outside and I don't know my way around Talmberg. I need a light.

  • Go to the battlements via the gateway stairs.

    • Start: I can get to the battlements via the steps next to the main castle gate.

  • Keep watch on the battlements

    • Start: Sir Robard didn't want to leave anything to the chance. He posted extra guards on the battlements and I have to join them too.

    • Completed: Captain Robard didn't want to leave anything to chance, so he posted extra guards on the battlements and I had to join them too.

  • Wait until morning

    • Start: I can close my eyes and rest a while. If anything happens, the soldiers will wake me.

    • Completed: On the advice of one of the soldiers, I had a bit of a snooze, but then another alarm was sounded.

  • Go to the battlements of the outer bailey.

    • Start: Something's going on outside the castle. I must go and see what it's about.

    • Completed: When I got to the battlements my blood turned cold. Sigismund's army was standing within sight of the castle. Everyone fell silent as the grave when they saw the huge numbers of the enemy. Fortunately, Sir Divish has a way with words. He persuaded the negotiator that attacking Talmberg would be pointless. The moment Sigismund gave the order to depart, the whole of Talmberg shouted with joy. But I had only one thing on my mind - I should go back to Skalitz and bury my parents.

  • Save after Early Surprise

Get out of the castle.

  • Flee the castle and get to Talmberg.

    • Start: I have to get to Skalitz! I can't leave my parents to the mercy of the dogs!

  • Bury your loved ones in Skalitz.

    • Start: The threat of attack is gone. I have to get back to Skalitz. It's my duty to bury my parents. Only how can I do it? My lord forbids me to leave Telmberg.

    • Completed: In the end I managed to get out of the castle to go back to Skalitz.

  • Talk to Sir Robard.

    • Start: I should talk to Captain Robard. Maybe he'll help me get out of the castle.

    • Completed: I talked to Sir Robard about how to get out of the castle, but my pleas fell on deaf ears.

  • Talmberg armour.

    • Start: It seems I can dress as one of the Talmberg soldiers and get out of the castle in that guise. It must be possible to find a guard's armour in the guardhouse.

  • Get a horse

    • Start: I should take my horse. Skalitz is a long way from here.

    • Completed: Of course I didn't forget my horse. Skalitz is a long way from here.
