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Treasure is a Quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. There's talk that there's still treasure to be found in Skalitz...


Related NPCs and Characters

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Treasure Objectives

  • Find the treasure under the dove cote.

    • Start: A former neighbour, Beran, who's now among the refugees in Rattay, told me he left valuables hidden away in Skalitz. He's afraid to go there himself and get them. It would surely be worth my while to go and check it out.

    • Completed: A former neighbour, Beran, who's now among the refugees in Rattay, told me he had left valuables hidden away in Skalitz. His wife was pushing him to go and get them, but he was afraid to go there on account of the dangerous marauders he heard were still looting there. It seemed a shame to leave Beran's stash untended, so I went looking for it. And true enough, under a dove-cote I found a silver goblet and a nice pile of Groschen hidden.

  • Find the treasure under the dove-cote.

    • Start: I went to see Kunesh to try and get him to repay the remainder of his debt to Father. Kunesh was badly off before, but now, as a refugee, he was in even worse shape. Even so, when I pushed him a bit, he told me while fleeing from Skalitz he'd overheard someone saying they'd left valuables hidden under a dove-cote there.

    • Completed: I went to see Kunesh to try and get him to repay the remainder of his debt to Father. Kunesh was badly off before, but now, as a refugee, he was in even worse shape. Even so, when I pushed him a bit, he told me while fleeing from Skalitz he'd overheard someone saying they'd left valuables hidden under a dove-cote there. And I really did find the stash, containing a silver goblet and a nice pile of Groschen.

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Treasure Walkthrough

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Tips & Tricks

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