
The Abbot's List




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The Abbot's List is a Quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. In the Abbot's study, now serving as the Prior's chambers, there should be documents with information about the other novices that might offer leads in the search for Pious.


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The Abbot's List Objectives

  • Find the novices' records.

    • Start: I have found out that the abbot (and now the prior) keep records of all the novices in the monastery. I could find a clue in my search for Pius there, but I will need to break into the their study first.

    • Completed: I broke into the Abbot's chambers and read the records about the new novices. I have learned many interesting things.

  • Track down Pious.

    • Completed: I found out from the Abbot's records that Siskin is the son of Sir Smil Flaska of Pardubitz, a really wealthy noble. The Abbot takes the view that he's quite unsuited to monastery life.

  • Track down Pious.

    • Completed: The Abbot noted in his records that Jodok was put in the monastery for raping a girl and pinning the blame on someone else, but surprisingly he's the most exemplary of the novices and will probably soon take his permanent vows.

  • Track down Pious.

    • Completed: I read in the Abbot's records that Antonin of Vlashim didn't complete his study at the seminary to become a priest and entered the monastery voluntarily. It's interesting that the Abbot has some doubts about Antonin's history. Unfortunately, the Abbot is not here, so I can't find out any more about that.

  • Track down Pious.

    • Completed: According to the Abbot, Lucas is a model monk, but he ended up in the monastery because he's a sodomite, so the other novices should watch out for him.

The Abbot's List Walkthrough

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Tips & Tricks

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