
Sheep in Wolf's Clothing




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Sheep in Wolf's Clothing is a Quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. They say forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest, and that goes double for poached game. Maybe that's one of the reasons I'm tempted to join the gang of poachers that's hiding out in the Talmberg woods. On the other hand, I might just want to infiltrate them to find out what they're really up to. Because it looks like they're after more than just game.


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Sheep in Wolf's Clothing Objectives

  • Get Andrew’s tankard from the labourer Jakub.

    • Start: Andrew the innkeeper promised he'd introduce me to the Talmberg poaching gang, but on the condition that I bring him back his favourite tankard, which he lost in a wager in Neuhof.

    • Completed: The whole affair with the poachers began very curiously. Andrew the innkeeper promised he'd introduce me to the poaching gang, but on the condition that I bring him back his favourite tankard, which he lost in a wager. So I went to Neuhof, found the farmhand who'd won it and got it back from him.

  • Return the tankard to Andrew.

    • Start: I've got Andrew's tankard. Now to bring it back to him.

    • Completed: Adrew the innkeeper finally betrayed the name of his poacher crony to me - Black Lukesh from Talmberg.

  • Meet with Black Lukesh.

    • Start: If I want to infiltrate the poachers, I should talk to Black Lukesh from Talmberg.

    • Completed: When I talked to Black Lukesh, he heard me out, but he wasn't satisified with just Andrew's recommendation - he wanted to see proof of my skills. I had to bring him a trophy from a hunted stag. Given the size of the woods around here, that shouldn't be too difficult.

  • Get deer antlers.

    • Start: I have to get deer antlers for Black Lucas.

  • Bring the antlers to Black Lucas.

    • Start: I've got the antlers, now all I have to do is take them to Black Lucas.

    • Completed: I brought Lukesh the antlers, but it seemed the test wasn't over yet. After getting the tankard and antlers, I then had to get a hunting horn - not just any old hunting horn, but the prized hunting horn of Nicholas, the Talmberg Master Huntsman.

  • Get the hunting horn of Nicholas the Huntsman.

    • Start: In order to win the poachers' trust, I have to get Talmberg Master Huntsman Nicholas' hunting horn for them.

    • Completed: Which I succeeded in doing. I hope that's the last of Lukesh's trials by fire and I can finally join the band of poachers.

  • Bring Nicholas’ horn to Lukesh.

    • Start: I got the hunting horn. All I have to do is take it to Lukesh.

    • Completed: Lukesh seemed very happy with the horn. He clearly had it in for the Master Huntsman, and he finally told me I could join the poaching gang. They were planning something big at the time and I was going to play a part.

  • Meet with the poachers in the clearing.

    • Start: The poachers meet in a clearing in Broda Woods, south of Talmberg.

    • Completed: I arrived at the clearing, but didn't meet with a very cordial welcome. One of the poachers started questioning me and meanwhile their leader, Hanekin Hare, arrived. Naturally he wanted to have a word or two with the new member of their band. It never happened though, because at that moment the Talmberg soldiers burst into the camp with the aim of arresting Hare.

  • Save Hanekin Hare.

    • Start: I have to save Hanekin Hare from the Talmberg soldiers.

    • Completed: With my help, Hanekin Hare resisted the Talmberg force. The poachers put two and two together and figured out someone had snitched on them. I hoped they wouldn't point the finger at me, but just then I had a more pressing concern - to quickly hide away.

  • Follow Hanekin Hare to his hiding place.

    • Start: Hanekin Hare has a hideout not far from the clearing. We should go and hide out there and figure out what to do next.

    • Completed: The remainder of the gang, including Hare, hid out in an old exploratory mine shaft. Clearly Hanekin had a plan for dealing with the entire situation.

  • Lucas is dead.

    • Completed: Black Lukesh the poacher is dead. Unfortunately he was my only chance of joining the poachers, so the game's up.

  • Andrew is dead.

    • Completed: Andrew the innkeeper from the Inn in the Glade is dead. Unfortunately he was my only chance of joining the poachers, so the game's up.

  • autosave quest start

Sheep in Wolf's Clothing Walkthrough

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Tips & Tricks

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