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Rocketeer is a Quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. For the conquest of Talmberg you need to build a trebuchet. This is more difficult than may seem at first glance.


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Rocketeer Objectives

  • Show the authorisation to Konrad.

    • Start: I should show the original in the Abbot’s handwriting to Konrad.

  • Tell Konrad he can leave.

    • Start: I must tell Konrad everything is taken care of and he can leave for Talmberg.

    • Completed: I knew it wouldn’t be straightforward. Konrad is free to leave, but doesn’t want to. He found out there's an old acquaintance of his in Sasau and he believes it's an assassin sent to kill him.

  • Watch out for the assassin at midnight.

    • Start: Master Kyeser is terrified. He thinks Sigismund has sent assassins to get him. He wants me first to find out what’s going on and to keep watch after dark outside his house.

    • Completed: I couldn't get Master Keyser to calm down. He was still scared out of his wits, so I had to creep around outside his house at night and watch out for assassins. And indeed, Master Peychar turned up after a while...

  • Let Peychar go.

    • Start: If I believe that Peychar really isn't out to assassinate Konrad Keyser, I should let him go.

    • Completed: In the end, I let Peychar go. I really didn't think he was an assassin out to kill Master Keyser.

  • Tell Feyfar about Konrad.

    • Start: Now just to let Master Feyfar know he's not to worry - he shall have his trebuchet!

    • Completed: Feyfar was visibly relieved that I managed to enlist the help of master siege engineer Konrad Keyser. And he was generous with his recompense. We will have our trebuchet!

  • Watch out for the assassin at midnight.

    • Start: I’ve made such a commotion, surely nobody will come today. I'll just have to come again tomorrow night.

  • Find out more about Peychar.

    • Start: Konrad suspects a certain Master Peychar, who was with him on Sigismund’s campaigns, of intrigues against him. If I'm ever to get Konrad to Talmberg, I'll have to find out more about this Peychar.

    • Completed: The person Konrad suspected of intrigues against him was one Master Peychar, who had been with him on Sigismund’s campaigns. I made inquiries about him at the tavern and then even talked to the man himself. He didn’t look suspicious, just another cloth merchant.

  • Find out more about Peychar.

    • Start: Konrad suspects a certain Master Peychar, who was with him on Sigismund’s campaigns, of intrigues against him. I hear this Peychar is to be found in the Sasau tavern.

    • Completed: The person Konrad suspected of intrigues against him was one Master Peychar, who had been with him on Sigismund’s campaigns. I made inquiries about him at the tavern and then even talked to the man himself. He didn’t look suspicious, just another cloth merchant.

  • Find Konrad Kyeser at the Sasau monastery.

    • Start: Master Engineer Tobias Feyfar was assigned the task of building a trebuchet, but doesn't feel competent to handle it, so he asked me to go and seek help from Konrad Keyser, the renowned siege engineer, who is presently residing in Sasau Monastery.

    • Completed: Master Engineer Tobias Feyfar was assigned the task of building a trebuchet, but didn't feel competent to handle it. He asked me to go and seek help from Konrad Keyser, the renowned siege engineer, who was at that time residing in Sasau Monastery. I found to be a charismatic, honest fellow. Perhaps a little too honest – he didn't want to abandon his unfinished construction work at the monastery.

  • Arrange for Konrad to leave the construction site and head for Talmberg.

    • Start: Konrad would like to help with the trebuchet construction, but he's committed to the monastery and can’t just up and leave. I need to find some way to get him released.

  • Steal build-master Karel’s patent letter.

    • Start: Konrad himself suggested we could forge an authorisation from the Abbot, who is absent just now. For that, though, we’ll need an original sample of his signature, such as Master Builder Karel has on his commission.

    • Completed: Konrad himself suggested we doctor the authorisation from the Abbot, who was currently absent from the monastery. For that, though, we’d need an original sample of his handwriting. That was a job for me, and in the end it wasn't too difficult to get hold of a document that Master Builder Karel had.

  • Get the authorization to the clerk.

    • Start: I am to bring the original manuscript to the Sasau scribe so he can forge the Abbot's signature and seal.

    • Completed: I brought the Abbot's original handwriting to the Sasau scribe so he could forge a writ releasing Konrad Keyser from his duties at the monastery.

  • Put back the original manuscript.

    • Start: I mustn't forget to return the original document. If Karel notices it's missing, he'll soon put two and two together.

    • Completed: To avoid discovery of our scheme, I had to put the manuscript back, which I did. So, Karel's not likely to notice anything. I've always thought my fingers were much too nimble for a blacksmith…

  • Show the forgery to Master Builder Karel.

    • Start: Now to show the forged permit to Master Builder Karel and Konrad will be able to leave and help us at Talmberg.

    • Completed: I showed our forged authorisation to Master Builder Karel and he consented to let Konrad Keyser leave for Talmberg. My efforts paid off.

  • Find Konrad Kyeser at the Sasau monastery.

    • Start: Master Engineer Tobias Feyfar was assigned the task of building a trebuchet, but doesn't feel competent to handle it, so he asked me to go and seek help from Konrad Keyser, the renowned siege engineer, who is presently residing in Sasau Monastery.

    • Completed: Master Engineer Tobias Feyfar was assigned the task of building a trebuchet, but didn't feel competent to handle it. He asked me to go and seek help from Konrad Keyser, the renowned siege engineer, who was at that time residing in Sasau Monastery. I found to be a charismatic, honest fellow. Perhaps a little too honest – he didn't want to abandon his unfinished construction work at the monastery.

  • Pick up the documents from the scribe.

  • Make sure Karl is short of money for wages.

    • Start: It seems that if Master Builder Karel were to run out of money to pay wages, it would be easier to persuade him to release Konrad Kyeser from his duties. But how to go about it? Beat him at dice, which he's very fond of playing? Or simply rob him?

    • Completed: One of our ideas was to rob Master Builder Karel of the money he had for the workers' wages, which should make him more amenable to a deal to release Konrad Kyeser from his duties. I took care of that, and Karel was left without a Groschen to his name.

  • Try to buy Karl off.

    • Start: Karel doesn't have a single Groschen for wages. He won’t turn his nose up at my money now!

    • Completed: The Master Builder was in a desperate situation without money, so he did indeed accept my bribe and release Konrad Kyeser to go to Talmberg to help. My efforts paid off.

  • Kill Peychar.

    • Start: If I think Peychar is lying and really is out to assassinate Keyser, I should kill him. Otherwise I'll never get Keyser to come to Talmberg.

    • Completed: I wasn't going to listen to Peychar's excuses. I killed him.

  • talk to Konrad Keyser.

    • Start: The business with the assassin has been sorted out. Now to tell Konrad everything.

  • start save

Rocketeer Walkthrough

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Tips & Tricks

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