Name Requirements Effect
Takedown None Let's you knock people out from a crouching position.
Daring Debonair Stealth Lvl 3 After committing a crime, you get a +1 bonus to Strength and Vitality until you're caught or leave the scene of the crime.
Rain Man Stealth Lvl 3 You move almost silently in the rain. The noise of your footsteps is reduced by 70%.
Crouching Chameleon Stealth Lvl 5 When crouching without movement you get a 30% Stealth bonus.
Stealth Kill Stealth Lvl 5 Allows you to kill from stealth. You have to have a dagger.
Ordinary Mug Stealth Lvl 8 When you're wanted, people are less likely to recognise your face and soon stop looking for you.
Slim Fit Stealth Lvl 8 Lowers the noise of armour and other equipment by 20%.
Dog Person Stealth Lvl 10 Dogs won't bark at you.
Et Tu, Brute Stealth Lvl 10 Your attacks from behind will be one third stronger.