
In the Cloister




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In the Cloister (In the Garden of Eden) is a Quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. My name is Brother Gregor and I'm a monk in Sasau Monastery. What would Pa have said about that? Most likely he'd piss himself laughing… God rest his soul… Anyway, in order not to draw attention to myself, I must dress like a monk, speak like a monk, and behave like a monk.


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In The Garden of Eden Objectives

  • Prepare two Cockerel potions. The herbs are in the chest.

    • Start: In order to fulfill my daily duty to Brother Nevlas, I must brew two Cockerel potions.

    • Completed: I brewed two Cockerel potions for Brother Nevlas to fulfil my daily duty in the fratery.

  • Prepare two marigold decoctions. The herbs are in the chest.

    • Start: In order to fulfill my daily duty to Brother Nevlas, I must prepare two marigold decoctions.

    • Completed: I brewed two marigold decoctions for Brother Nevlas to fulfil my daily duty in the fratery..

  • Concoct two Buck's Blood potions. The herbs are in the chest.

    • Start: In order to fulfill my daily duty to Brother Nevlas, I must concoct two Buck's Blood potions.

    • Completed: I brewed two Buck's Blood potions for Brother Nevlas to fulfil my daily duty in the fratery..

  • Concoct two digestive potions. The herbs are in the chest.

    • Start: In order to fulfill my daily duty to Brother Nevlas, I must concoct two digestive potions.

    • Completed: I brewed two digestive potions for Brother Nevlas to fulfil my daily duty in the fratery..

  • Eat with the others

    • Start: Prayer and services are followed by a communal meal in the refectory. I only get two meals a day here, so I'd better not miss them.

  • Go to work in the scriptorium. Report to Brother Cyril, the librarian.

    • Start: Before noon every monk is required to work. I have to report to Brother Librarian in the scriptorium, where I will copy books.

  • Go work in the fratery. Report to Provost Nevlas at the alchemy bench.

    • Start: One of the daily jobs is to help in the herb workshop. I need to report to Brother Nevlas, who I'll find nearby the alchemy bench.

  • Sit at the table and begin copying.

    • Start: One of my jobs in the monastery is to copy books, and now is the time when I have to devote myself to that task. Once I've finished, I should give Brother Librarian the work I've done.

  • Go with the other monks to the courtyard.

    • Start: Panic has broken out in the monastery. Everyone has been called to the courtyard.

    • Completed: The alarm was raised in the monastery and the whole place was searched for the murderer. So as not to raise suspicion, I went with the others to the courtyard, where an investigation was being conducted.

  • Get to know the other novices.

  • Find out something that would prevent Nevlas from standing for Abbot.

    • Start: Brother John, a circator and candidate for the Abbot's post, asked me to find something to discredit his rival, Brother Nevlas.

    • Completed: Brother John, a circator and candidate for the Abbot's post, asked me to find something to discredit his rival, Brother Nevlas. I agreed to be his eyes and ears and bring him anything I could get on Nevlas.

  • Tell Brother John about the theft of the forbidden book.

    • Start: Circator John will surely be interested to hear that Brother Nevlas tried to get me to steal a forbidden book.

    • Completed: Every piece of dirt I could find on Nevlas could be used. I informed Brother John that Nevlas wanted me to steal a forbidden book.

  • Find out for Brother Nevlas about any wrongs being committed in the monastery.

    • Start: Brother Nevlas, who is standing for Abbot, would like to know what is going on in the monastery, things that are normally shrouded to the eye and ear. If I find anything out, I should tell him.

    • Completed: Brother Nevlas, who is standing for Abbot, wanted to know what was going on in the monastery, things that are normally shrouded to the eye and ear. I became his spy and told him about the corrupt circators.

  • Go to the church for prayer and mass.

    • Start: Each day in the monastery begins and ends with communal prayer, followed by mass in the church. It seems I can somehow excuse myself from prayer, but attending mass is compulsory for all.

  • Submit the potions.

    • Start: I've brewed the potions Brother Nevlas wanted. I'll give them to him and my work will be done for today.

    • Failed: I failed to do my duties for Brother Nevlas. I can expect a punishment.

    • Completed: I gave Brother Nevlas the fruits of my daily labour in the fratery. I hope he'll be satisfied.

  • HIDDEN log update Siskin

    • Completed: Jodok said Novice Siskin doesn’t attend morning worship.

  • Submit your work to the librarian.

    • Start: I've copied the number of pages assigned to me. I can submit them to Brother Librarian and then I'm free.

    • Failed: I copied books in the scriptorium in the course of my daily duties, but I didn't hand my work over to Brother Librarian on time. I can expect a punishment.

    • Completed: I copied books in the scriptorium in the course of my daily duties. Once I finished, I handed over the work to Brother Librarian. I hope he'll be satisfied with the job I did.

  • Follow Novice Antonius.

    • Start: I've entered the monastery and it's bewildering! Everything is new to me and I don't understand anything. But one of the other novices, Antonius, promised to show me around. If I go with him, he'll explain everything.

    • Failed: I entered the monastery and was amazed to find how different, complicated and nonsensical everything seemed here. Novice Antonius offered to show me the ropes, but I refused.

    • Completed: I entered the monastery and was amazed to find how different, complicated and nonsensical everything seemed here. Novice Antonius offered to show me the ropes, which I was glad to accept.

  • Go to bed.

    • Start: It's been a long day and morning prayers start before dawn, so I'd better get some sleep.

In The Garden of Eden Walkthrough

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Tips & Tricks

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