
Ginger in a Pickle





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Mysterious Ways

Ginger in a Pickle is a Quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. The Neuhof stud farm met with tragedy. A raiding party killed several horses and some people. The trail led me to suspect that someone from the farm may have been involved.


Ginger in a Pickle Walkthrough

To find Ginger and solve the mystery of the bandits’ raid, you need to find the charcoal-burners, like the ones in the camps to the South. There are several ways to find Gingers location.

  • Ride south on your horse until you come to the charcoal-burners camp. Speak with their spokesperson and learn that your ginger is in another castle.
  • (Report back to Captain Bernard)
  • Ride to the next camp marked on your map north of Neuhof and talk to the people there. They will send you to yet another charcoal-burners camp.
  • Speak with the twins there and he'll ask you to kill some bandits for information about Ginger.
  • Search the market area on the map for the bandits and kill the two bandits and report back to the twins.
  • Find Ginger on the marker and question him about what happened in Neuhof.
  • Report back to Captain Bernard and Sir Radzig.



Tips & Tricks

  • ???

Related NPCs and Characters

Ginger in a Pickle Objectives

  • HIDDEN Find Ginger, the stable boy who's vanished from Neuhof.
  • Interrogate colliers South

    • Start: Lubosh said there are more charcoal-burners to the south. Maybe they know about Ginger.

  •   HIDDEN Find out where in the south there are charcoal-burners.

    • Completed: Jakub told me the nearest charcoal-burners are to the south. I just have to follow the stream that flows from Neuhof and I'll find them uphill from it by the woods. But he said Ginger used to go northwards, along the path to the Uplands, to the woods between Neuhof and Uzhitz.

  • HIDDEN Find out where there are charcoal-burners near the tavern. (in reality they are lumberjacks).

    • Completed: There were some charcoal-burners nearby the inn between Neuhof and Talmberg. All I had to do was follow the path to the south and I'd come across them.

  • HIDDEN Find out that there are not charcoal-burners near the tavern, but in reality lumberjacks.

    • Completed: There weren't charcoal-burners at the camp by the inn, but woodcutters. I'll had to try elsewhere.

  • HIDDEN Find out in the north that Ginger went towards Talmberg.

    • Completed: I found out that Ginger went to the west towards Talmberg. There was another charcoal-burners' camp nearby and all I had to do was follow the stream to find it.

  • Question the northern charcoal-burners.

    • Start: There are charcoal-burners in the woods north of Neuhof too. I can get to there by taking the path to Uzhitz and I'll find them close to the bridge over the forest stream. They might know Ginger.

  • Question the charcoal-burners near Talmberg.

    • Start: If I leave the northern charcoal-burners' camp and take the trail alongside the stream to the west, I'll reach another bridge with another charcoal-burners' camp nearby.

  • Report the elimination of the bandits to Ginger's friends.

    • Start: The bandits have been dealt with. Now to go back to the twins and find out where Ginger is.

    • Completed: The charcoal-burners told me Ginger was hiding in a ruined hut to the right of the path leading from their camp towards Uzhitz. It shouldn't be too far.

  • (HIDDEN) Find out there are other charcoal-burners in the Uplands.

    • Completed: There were several charcoal-burners' camps between Neuhof and Uzhitz. The westerly path to the woods from the crossroads by Neuhof led to one, and from there to the west along the stream was another.

  • (HIDDEN) If you want to find charcoal-burners, follow the water.

    • Completed: The charcoal-burners usually need wood and water for their work. I had to look for them along the streams flowing through the woods. All I had to do was find one that flowed out from the woods.

  • (HIDDEN) Find out they know Ginger in the north.

    • Completed: After talking to the charcoal-burners from the north, it seemd to me they knew Ginger, although that doesn't mean much. After all, they were close by Neuhof and since Ginger spent time enough wandering in the woods, he could easily have met them.

  • HIDDEN Find out in the north that there's a camp by Talmberg too. You have to follow the stream.

    • Completed: I found out that if I head off west from the northern camp and stick close to the stream, I should find another charcoal-burners' camp.

  • HIDDEN Find out from the informant who Ginger's friends are.

    • Completed: One of the charcoal-burners told me Ginger is friends with a pair of twins among them. He said if I follow them, they'll surely lead me to him.

  • HIDDEN Find out from the informant that Ginger is at a secluded dwelling in the woods (lie)

    • Completed: All I had to do was threaten one of the charcoal-burners and he told me Ginger was hiding out in a smallholding on the northern edge the woods towards Uzhitz.

  • HIDDEN Uncover the informant's lie (visit all the secluded dwellings)

    • Completed: That treacherous charcoal-burner fobbed me off with lies! I scouted out all the smallholdings and Ginger is nowhere to be seen. I might have expected as much from a Judas who'd sell his friends to anyone for a bit of silver. But I paid the bastard back for his treachery!


find and kill the bandits who are looking for Ginger.

  • Kill the bandits.

    • Start: The Talmberg charcoal-burners won't tell me anything until I get rid of the bandits who are lurking around. They must be camped somewhere nearby.

    • Completed: I dealt with the bandits as I was asked. They wouldn't be threatening anyone any more. I hoped that would satisfy the charcoal-burners of my good intentions.

  • Report the elimination of the bandits to the master charcoal-burner.

    • Start: The bandits have been dealt with and the master charcoal-burner told me he'd inform me about Ginger if I took care of that.

    • Completed: The charcoal-burners told me Ginger was hiding in a ruined hut to the right of the path from their camp towards Uzhitz. It shouldn't be too far.

  • (HIDDEN) Speak to the leader of the charcoal burners in the south and find out they don't know Ginger.

    • Completed: The charcoal-burners in the camp to the south of Neuhof don't know Ginger. They told me to go to the woods in the north and ask the other charcoal-burners there.

  • HIDDEN Find out if bandits are looking for Ginger.

    • Completed: The charcoal-burners told me two other armed men were asking about Ginger. I hope I find him before they do.

  • (HIDDEN) Meet the bandits looking for Ginger and talk your way out of the situation.

    • Failed: As luck would have it, I stumbled on the pair of bandits who were looking for Ginger and immediately they started a fight with me.

    • Completed: Things are getting interesting. I came across some dubious types asking after Ginger.

  • Report the elimination of the bandits to Ginger.

    • Start: Ginger asked me to deal with the bandits who have been looking for him. He's afraid they'll find him and kill him.

    • Completed: I got rid of those two bandits who were pursuing Ginger. Then I just had to tell Ginger he had no need to fear them any more.

  • Kill the bandits.

    • Start: Ginger asked me to deal with the bandits who have been looking for him.

    • Completed: I dealt with the bandits as I was asked. They wouldn't be threatening anyone any more. I hoped that would put Ginger's mind to rest and he'd no longer feel his life was in danger.

  • Kill the bandits.

    • Start: Ginger's guardians told me if I deal with the bandits who are lurking around, they'll tell me where Ginger is.

    • Completed: I dealt with the bandits as I was asked. They wouldn't be threatening anyone any more. I hoped that would satisfy the charcoal-burners of my good intentions.


Find Ginger and question him about what happend in Neuhof

  • I have to ask at Neuhof Stud Farm if Ginger can go back.

    • Start: Ginger wants to go back to the stud farm, but he's afraid the people there will distrust him and won't take him back. He asked me to go there and pave the way for him.

  • Tell Ginger he can go back to the farm.

    • Start: The folk at the stud farm agree that Ginger can go back. No doubt he'll be happy about that.

    • Completed: I went to the stud farm to ask if Ginger could come back there. Mistress Zora consented in the end and Ginger was glad to hear the news. He told me he'd have something for me if I stop by when he's back there.

  • Tell Ginger he can't go back to the farm.

    • Start: The folk at the stud farm don't want Ginger back. He won't be pleased.

    • Completed: I went to Neuhof on Ginger's behalf to ask Mistress Zora if she'd take him back. She refused though. Ginger took the news with a brave face.

  • HIDDEN Let Ginger tell you he will teach you a perk.

    • Completed: Ginger promised me if I talk to the folk at the stud farm on his behalf, he'll teach me some horse-whispering trick.

  • Go back to Ginger's guardians.

    • Start: I've got to get back to the charcoal-burners and find out from them where Ginger is.

    • Completed: The charcoal-burners were satisfied that with the bandits out of the way, Ginger was safe. They told me Ginger was hiding in a ruined hut. I had to take the path from the camp to the north towards Uzhitz until I came upon an overgrown path on the right leading to his hiding place.

  • Find Ginger, the missing Neuhof stableboy.

    • Start: I have to find the Neuhof stableboy called Ginger and get him to tell me exactly what happened on the night of the stud farm raid.

    • Completed: I managed to find Ginger, who was hiding out with his friends, the charcoal-burners. He gave me a detailed account of what happened on the night of the raid and a clue to finding one of the raiders. He didn't know the bandit's name, only that he had a limp and came from Uzhitz. I hope he'll be easier to find than Ginger.

  • Find Ginger, the missing Neuhof stableboy.

    • Start: It seems Ginger is hiding out in an abandoned hut nearby. I need to go to the right on the northerly path to Uzhitz and carry on until I reach a pond. From there, there's an old overgrown path that leads straight to Ginger's hideout. I just have to tread carefully.

    • Completed: I managed to find Ginger, who was hiding out with his friends, the charcoal-burners. He gave me a detailed account of what happened on the night of the raid and a clue to finding one of the raiders. He didn't know the bandit's name, only that he had a limp and came from Uzhitz. I hope he'll be easier to find than Ginger.


Go and tell Captain Bernard what you found out from Ginger.

  • Report the progress of the investigation to Sir Radzig.

    • Start: Captain Bernard told me I should report to Sir Radzig who was riding by and stopped to ask how things were progressing.

    • Completed: I briefed Sir Radzig on everything I found out, how I found Ginger and what he told me about the bandits. Sir Radzig gave me permission to continue by tracking down the limping bandit from Uzhitz.
