Execution is a Quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. There's to be an execution in Rattay - without Hermann, the Rattay Executioner.
Related NPCs and Characters
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Execution Objectives
Sabotage the executions by the Kuttenberg executioner.
Sabotage the executions by the Kuttenberg executioner.
Sabotage the executions by the Kuttenberg executioner.
Tell Hermann what you found out.
Start: So far so good. Now I must go to Hermann and ask his advice about how to best sabotage the executions.
Completed: Me and Hermann put our heads together and came up with ways to sabotage each of the executions and shame the Kuttenberg executioner. So Hermann's honour would be restored.
Go and watch the executions.
Start: The executions will be at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon. I'd better not miss them.
Failed: Judging by the reactions of the crowd, I didn't do the Kuttenberg executioner's reputation much harm. Oh, well, I tried...
Completed: That was something! The Rattay folk will never forget this execution.
Find out from the Bailiff what the reprobates have been convicted of.
Start: The Bailiff should know what the reprobates have been convicted of. Then I can find their crimes in the Black Chronicle and see what the usual sentence is.
Completed: In order to help Hermann, I first had to find out at the Bailiff's what crimes the reprobates had been sentenced to death for. And it turned out they were a fine pack of scoundrels!
Find out the appropriate punishments from the Black Chronicle.
Start: I can find out in the Black Chronicle which punishments fit which crimes and then compare them with the Bailiff's testimony about the reprobates. Then I'll know how to sabotage the executions. So, quickly to the Black Chronicle!
Completed: Once I knew the crimes, I could find out the appropriate punishments from the Black Chronicle.
Go to Hermann for your reward.
Start: The executions went according to plan. That is to say, our plan. I'd better go and tell Hermann how it all went down.
Completed: Executioner Hermann was delighted with the outcome of the sabotaged executions, and I was glad I could help him.
Sabotage the executions by the Kuttenberg executioner.
Sabotage the executions by the Kuttenberg executioner.
Sabotage the executions by the Kuttenberg executioner.
Sabotage the executions by the Kuttenberg executioner.
Start: The closer the time of the executions, the more bitter Hermann becomes. The fact that the job went to the Kuttenberg executioner and not him has seriously hurt his feelings. If I'm to help him, I should somehow sabotage the executions.
Failed: I considered helping Hermann out, but then it crossed my mind that those reprobates deserved proper punishment, so I told the Kuttenberg executioner he should check everything was in order before the executions.
Sabotage the executions by the Kuttenberg executioner.
Sabotage the executions by the Kuttenberg executioner.
Sabotage the executions by the Kuttenberg executioner.
Sabotage the executions by the Kuttenberg executioner.
Sabotage the executions by the Kuttenberg executioner.
Peter of Dauba
Start: Peter of Dauba is a multiple murderer, but he's also a nobleman.
Frost Heralt.
Start: Frost Heralt is a beast of a man who enjoys making others suffer.
Georg Weiss.
Start: Georg Weiss is a cold-blooded, multiple murderer.
Water down the oil for the pyre.
Start: If I water down the executioner's oil, he'll be hard put to light the pyre under the convict at all.
Failed: It occurred to us that if the executioner's oil for setting the pyre ablaze were to be diluted with water, he wouldn't even be able to get the fire started. Unfortunately, I was spotted trying to dilute the oil and now the executioner will be on his guard. That's not good.
Completed: It occurred to us that if the executioner's oil for setting the pyre ablaze were to be diluted with water, he wouldn't even be able to get the fire started. So I poured so much water into the oil that it was more suitable for drinking than for starting a fire.
Switch the executioner's rope.
Start: If the rope breaks under the weight of the hanged man, the executioner will have to release him. And that would disgrace him.
Failed: There's a rule that if the executioner fails to kill a condemned man by hanging at the first attempt, he has to let him go. And that would make the Kuttenberg executioner very unpopular. So I tried to switch his rope for an old one that wouldn't bear the weight of a grown man. Only I wasn't careful enough and the game's up. I failed to sabotage the hanging.
Completed: There's a rule that if the executioner fails to kill a condemned man by hanging at the first attempt, he has to let him go. And that would make the Kuttenberg executioner very unpopular. So I switched his rope for an old one that certainly wouldn't bear the weight of a grown man.
Dull the executioner's sword.
Start: Chopping someone's head off with a blunt sword won't be easy. Just the thing!
Failed: Damn it! I was seen with the executioner's sword. Now he'll surely check it before the execution and make sure it's sharp.
Completed: I gave some attention to the executioner's sword and it's certainly far from sharp. Beheading a condemned man with one blow of a sword is the executioner's pride, but with this blunt thing he'd hardly chop the head off a chicken.
Poison the flesh-ripping tongs.
Start: The convict won't last out the torture with poisoned tongs for long - to the disgrace of the executioner.
Failed: I failed to poison the torture instruments. I was seen doing it.
Completed: I managed to poison the instruments of torture, so the convict will die quickly and the crowd will be deprived of their entertainment, which won't endear the executioner to them.
Weaken the horses by poisoning them.
Start: If the executioner wants to draw a man limb from limb with horses, they'll need strength for it. I need to poison them.
Failed: I wanted to poison the horses to weaken them, but unfortunately I was caught in the act. It didn't end well.
Completed: I poisoned the horses which are supposed to draw the convict, so next day they would hardly be capable of walking, never mind dragging a man limb from limb.
Tell Hermann you succeeded.
Start: I've done everything I was meant to. I should tell Hermann what I did.
Execution Walkthrough
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Tips & Tricks
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