
A Man of the Cloth




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A Man of the Cloth is a Quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. The hamlet of Rovna is deserted - that is, but for one sole farmer. The others were either killed by Sigismund's marauders or fled to Rattay. St. James' Church is also abandoned, and until they have a spiritual shepherd to reassure them, the surviving villagers won't be returning.


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A Man of the Cloth Objectives

  • Find the Skalitz priest.

    • Start: There's no sign of the Parish Priest of St. James since the raid on Skalitz. He's not among the refugees. If I can find him, I can try and persuade him to return to his parish.

  • Talk to the family of Father Simon's housekeeper.

    • Start: The only lead I have to Father Simon is the family of his deceased housekeeper. I could try asking them if they know anything about Simon's sudden appearance in the woods.

    • Completed: Father Simon's housekeeper was called Mary. According to her parents, she did more than keep house for the priest and in the end fell pregnant. Tragically, both she and her child died during the birth and Simon took it very hard. He became a recluse and eventually fled. But Mary's mother thinks Simon has returned to the area, because someone has been putting wreaths of comfrey, Mary's favourite flower, on her memorial cross.

  • Go to Rovna and report what happened.

    • Start: Now I just have to go to Rovna and report that the priest will be there in no time.

    • Completed: The last inhabitant of Rovna was overjoyed that the priest was returning and even offered me a reward. The villagers won't come back overnight, but once word gets round about the priest's return, they'll start trickling back.

  • Simon's story. (qlog)

    • Completed: The last villager left in Rovna advised me how to begin my search. He recalled a certain Father Simon who lived at the St. James presbytery a few years ago. It turned out that Simon had an affair with his housekeeper and she died shortly after. No one has seen Simon in Skalitz since then, although there have been reports he was seen recently in the woods around the area.

  • Go to the cross.

    • Start: I should go and have a look at Mary's cross. It could be Simon is somewhere nearby.

  • Look around the area. Simon could well be hiding somewhere nearby.

    • Start: I ought to have a look around in the vicinity of the cross. It might be helpful to look for places where comfrey grows.

    • Completed: I found Father Simon's hideout upstream from the cross. But to my surprise, the hermit wasn't alone there, and the people with him didn't look very friendly.

  • Rescue Father Simon.

    • Start: Father Simon is being held captive in his own hermitage. I must rescue him.

  • Rescue Father Simon.

    • Completed: There's no point in even talking to the kind of scum who would hold a holy man captive. So I took radical action and gave those bastards what they had coming. Father Simon has some objections to my approach, but the important thing was that he was alive and I convinced him to return to St. James'.

  • Rescue Father Simon.

    • Completed: I could see that those two scoundrels who were holding Father Simon captive hadn't the sense they were born with, so it wouldn't be hard to convince them their evil deed would turn against them. I scared the living daylights out of them and rescued Father Simon. He was grateful and promised he'd give up his hermit's life and take over the Parish of St. James.

  • Rescue Father Simon.

    • Completed: I could see that those two scoundrels who were holding Father Simon captive hadn't the sense they were born with, so it wouldn't be hard to convince them their evil deed would turn against them. I warned them that the hand of the law was about to descend on them and they took to their heels. Father Simon thanked me and promised he'd give up his hermit's life and take over the Parish of St. James.

  • Rescue Father Simon.

    • Completed: I could see those two footpads had taken Father Simon captive more out of desperation than some perverse penchant for capturing hermits. Once they heard the jingle of coin, they were quite willing to cooperate. As soon as they were gone, Father Simon thanked me for rescuing him and I told him what I wanted from him. He promised me he'd return to St. James' to tend to the flock there.

  • Find Father Simon.

    • Start: The former Skalitz parish priest has been spotted in the nearby woods, where he's become a hermit. I should try and find him and bring him back to his parish.

  • The villager is dead.

    • Completed: Since the last inhabitant of Rovna is no longer among the living, there's no point in bringing a priest there. No one will be returning to Rovna for some time now.

  • The priests are dead.

    • Completed: Along with the parish priest, hope died that the former Rovna inhabitants would soon return to their homes.

  • Find the Skalitz priest.

    • Start: Fortunately, I know that the Skalitz Parish Priest has been hiding out in the Sasau Wagoner's Inn since the raid. I should go there and talk him into returning to St. James.

  • quest started

  • Find the Skalitz parish priest.

  • Find Father Simon.

A Man of the Cloth Walkthrough

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Tips & Tricks

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